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Common Barriers to CRM Adoption at Law Firms

Learn about common barriers to law firm CRM adoption and how to overcome them A robust client relationship management (CRM) strategy is essential to a law firm’s growth in an increasingly competitive legal marketplace. CRM provides a centralized database to manage the firm’s relationships. The right CRM solution helps manage contacts and identify the activities…

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New Report Shares Insights from Law Firm Leaders on Growth, Profitability, and Navigating Digital Transformation

To understand how leaders charged with helping their law firms adapt and thrive are doing so most successfully, Affinity Consulting, iManage, and SurePoint Technologies engaged Ari Kaplan Advisors to gather the perspectives of a range of law firm leaders about the most promising areas for growth, best practices for change management, and how their firms…

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Law Firm Dashboards 101: Make Informed Decisions with Real-Time Data

Imagine driving a car without a dashboard. How would you know what speed you were doing? How would you know how much gas you had remaining? What would you do without the check engine light, low tire pressure light, or any of the other warning lights? You cannot drive your vehicle by just using the…

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Law Firm Leadership, Rapid Growth, and Increased Profitability

Tuesday, August 1 at 2:00 p.m. ET | Register The legal industry is at a watershed moment. Many in law firm leadership are reimagining law firm management and influencing a new era of success. Join legal industry analyst Ari Kaplan and law firm leaders on August 1, 2023, as they share insights from the forthcoming…

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Law Firm Data – Strategies for Making It Useful

By Rob McKay, General Manager of Coyote Analytics Do you have all the data you need? As you currently prepare reports for management committees or shareholders, the answer is probably yes. If all you need is to continue preparing the same reports, no changes are necessary. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is…

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A Q&A About SurePoint Payment Services with Brian DuCharme

Great question. Two trends come to mind. The first is that the legal industry continues to adopt traditional digital payment acceptance in the form of credit and debit payments. As an industry wed to check payments, we still have a long way to go to deliver legal clients the ease and simplicity of digital payments.…

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