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Leading the Way: The Business of Law in 2022 and Beyond – Part 7

Lead the Way by Becoming a Cloud-Based Law Firm About the Leading the Way Series “Leading the Way: The Business of Law in 2022 and Beyond” from SurePoint Technologies is an eight-part series focused on helping mid-size firms understand their competitive advantage. Throughout the series, we’ll share tips on how forward-thinking firms can thrive now …


Lead the Way by Becoming a Cloud-Based Law Firm

About the Leading the Way Series

“Leading the Way: The Business of Law in 2022 and Beyond” from SurePoint Technologies is an eight-part series focused on helping mid-size firms understand their competitive advantage. Throughout the series, we’ll share tips on how forward-thinking firms can thrive now and in the years to come. In the latest post, we’ll look at the benefits of moving to the cloud and what you need to know about becoming a cloud-based law firm.

Cloud, SaaS, Security: Why Now is the Right Time to Move to the Cloud

With recent transformations in legal technology, mid-sized law firms are ideally positioned to take advantage of these opportunities and move applications to the cloud. Being cloud-based isn’t just a new technological fad – embracing virtual operations provides genuine benefits to law firms, legal professionals, and their clients.

Historically, law firms have been hesitant to adopt cloud applications. The thought of having firm and client information stored within a system that is not physically present may give some lawyers pause especially when it comes to privacy and client confidentiality; however, the advanced layers of security built into a true cloud solution far surpass those of any on-premises IT server. The pandemic expedited the move to the cloud for many firms, and as firms return to the office, many are adopting a hybrid model which guarantees the flexibility, easy access, and transparency of cloud-based technology is here to stay.

Benefits of Cloud Technology

In addition to being easy to use, cloud applications enable easy access to information, enhanced reporting, more accurate data collection and storage, and efficient systems. Law firms don’t have to install software or host servers in their offices when they use cloud-based software. The cloud provider also provides increased security by protecting the firm’s data and by providing best-in-class firewalls and security protocols.

Budget and Scale

Cloud-based technology is kept current through system upgrades and version updates. These benefits result in eliminating the cost of server upgrades and storage while reducing the administrative burden on their IT teams. Moving to the cloud allows law firms to budget and scale comfortably without the fear of unexpected costs.

Increased Accuracy and Improved Efficiency

Cloud-based technology also improves efficiency and productivity. For example, when timekeeping is integrated into other systems, firms improve billing and data collection and may reduce the time spent on redundant tasks.

Client Service from Anywhere

Cloud-based applications allow attorneys to work from any location and access their information at any time and from anywhere. When legal professionals aren’t tethered to equipment on-premises, they can serve their clients no matter where they are located. Law firms that embrace the cloud can also reduce certain overhead costs and significantly improve productivity.

Client portals provide access to real-time information on matters and enhanced transparency from any location. Increased transparency and access to real-time information make it easier for clients to make informed decisions. Firms can also be more flexible in meeting the needs of their clients.

What it Means to be a Cloud-Based Law Firm

Cloud-based law firms use cloud technology to run the critical elements of their business. This includes customer relationship management, matter and practice management, calendars, bookkeeping, payments, and meetings.

A cloud-based law firm can also choose to retain select in-person elements. For example, a firm may choose to run client intake and payments through the cloud while still meeting in person. However, cloud-based firms conduct their essential functions using software and apps rather than relying on manual or digital processes that require firms to maintain on-site servers. 

Why Now is the Right Time to Move to the Cloud

There has never been a better time for law firms to move to the cloud. Legal technology has experienced a dramatic evolution over the past few years. Not only are legal tech options more secure than ever before, but they’ve never been more affordable.

Software companies have invested significantly in security, automated backup services, and infrastructure, and they are consistently enhancing and improving their processes making it safer than ever for law firms to move to the cloud. Additional measures include disaster recovery, data encryption, and access management.

Legal technology lets you track how long the process is, from finding a potential client to closing that client, what areas of your law firm are most profitable, and where you could boost your profit margin by streamlining processes.

As more legal tech companies move to a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, law firms can reap significant benefits by leveraging the latest technology and harnessing the power, security, and agility of these systems. For example, SaaS pricing will include costs such as implementation, training, support, new version updates, and full access to the software for a fixed monthly cost. Here are four key reasons law firms are making the move to the cloud:

  • Predictable Pricing: Budget and scale comfortably without fear of unexpected costs
  • Productivity: Provide access to the tools your professionals need most when and where they need them
  • Security: Protect your firm’s information and client data with secure infrastructure and best-in-class firewalls
  • Cost: Eliminate costs associated with server storage and on-premises IT infrastructure

Have you been thinking about a move to the cloud? Download our free checklist for additional considerations.

Read Earlier Posts in the “Leading the Way” Series

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About SurePoint® Technologies

SurePoint® Technologies is the leading provider of award-winning enterprise software that improves workflow and maximizes financial performance and profitability for law firms nationwide. Its distinctive cloud platform integrates client management, practice management, and financial management for powerful relationship-building and knowledge-sharing capability. With a community of more than 100,000 members, SurePoint continues to transform the legal industry by enabling law firms to unlock higher performance, freeing lawyers of administrative burdens so they can spend more time focusing on their clients and their practices. Learn more at


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