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Six Steps to a Winning Law Firm CRM Strategy

Transform Your Law Firm CRM Strategy and Maximize ROI The right client relationship management (CRM) solution can pay for itself many times. To be successful, you need to understand your law firm’s CRM strategy. An effective law firm CRM solution aligns with your firm’s strategic goals and objectives. This is why it is important to …


Transform Your Law Firm CRM Strategy and Maximize ROI

The right client relationship management (CRM) solution can pay for itself many times. To be successful, you need to understand your law firm’s CRM strategy. An effective law firm CRM solution aligns with your firm’s strategic goals and objectives. This is why it is important to understand what you want to achieve through your law firm’s marketing. With this knowledge, you can develop a winning law firm CRM strategy that informs your marketing and empowers your lawyers to optimize relationships with clients and prospects and focus on the marketing and business development activities that bring ROI and drive new business.

Define Your CRM Strategy

Here, we’ve outlined six key components of a winning law firm CRM strategy. Incorporating these elements will help you understand what success looks like for your firm, and identify the steps you need to take to achieve it. Understanding these components can help you define your strategy to understand where your firm’s marketing efforts currently stand, where you want to be, and how to close the gap between the two.

Take Inventory of Available Tools and Resources

Consider the tools and resources you already have and how to leverage them to improve client service, strengthen existing relationships, and gain valuable insights into engagement activities and the efficacy of your firm’s marketing. Once you understand the activities that generated new business opportunities and those that missed the mark, you can identify the ones to invest in. Think about your firm’s data sources and where silos might exist. Consider talking to a member of your firm’s finance team to understand how it approaches profitability and allocates its resources.

Manage Your Pipeline

Pipeline management is a critical part of any CRM strategy. It involves identifying and tracking potential clients, nurturing leads, and managing business development. Effective pipeline management allows you to convert prospects into clients.  

Analyze Available Data

Analyze available data to understand and identify trends in client behavior, preferences, and needs. This can provide valuable insights for data-driven decisions regarding client engagement, sponsorships, and more. This will help you track the client journey, understand interactions, identify patterns, and make informed decisions about your firm’s marketing. 

Enhance Your Reporting and Knowledge Sharing

Effective reporting is crucial in shaping your CRM strategy and communicating success. Generate reports to understand and share information about client engagement, business development wins, and other key metrics. This will allow you to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions regarding your marketing investments. 

Identify Opportunities for Automation

Many firms leverage technology to identify and automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks. Automate tasks to nurture your contacts, improve email open rates, and create follow-up tasks for your lawyers. Streamlining these business development processes will help you improve efficiencies and allow you to focus on the activities that lead to new business.

Personalization for Increased Performance

Personalization is another vital part of a CRM strategy. Use available data to improve engagement. By tailoring your marketing based on the preferences of your firm’s clients, you can ensure that you are providing useful and relevant content. 

SurePoint CRM Series On-Demand: Transform Your CRM Strategy and Maximize ROI

In the latest session of the SurePoint CRM webinar series, our expert Jennifer Whittier shares tips on how law firms can transform their CRM strategy and maximize ROI. Watch now

SurePoint CRM series on-demand webinar: Transform Your CRM Strategy and Maximize ROI

Why Law Firms Choose SurePoint for CRM

Law firms of all sizes use SurePoint’s CRM solution, ContactEase, to share important business development information and understand the activities that lead to new business. With an industry-leading adoption rate and seamless Outlook integration, lawyers love ContactEase because it’s easy to use. Law firm marketing teams love it because it’s easy to show results. Connect with a SurePoint CRM expert and learn how to start transforming your CRM strategy so you can maximize your marketing ROI.

About SurePoint Technologies

SurePoint® Technologies is the leading provider of award-winning enterprise software that improves workflow and maximizes financial performance and profitability for law firms nationwide. Its distinctive cloud platform integrates client management, practice management, and financial management for powerful relationship-building and knowledge-sharing capability. With a community of over 100,000 members, SurePoint is transforming the legal industry by enabling law firms to unlock higher performance and free lawyers of administrative burdens to spend more time focusing on their clients and their practices. Learn more at


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