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Harness the Power of Analytics with SurePoint View

Gain a competitive advantage by uncovering insights and trends in your firm’s data

SurePoint® View provides role-specific dashboards that contain powerful analytics and actionable insights into the performance drivers critical to a law firm’s success. Managing partners and CFOs can get immediate insight into the firm's financial health, enabling data-driven business outcomes. Attorneys can uncover opportunities to increase client value, productivity and efficiency.


Integrated with the SurePoint Legal Management System (LMS), dashboards and analytics are available for the following roles: Billing Attorney, CFO, Managing Partner, Supervising Associate, Supervising Partner, Working Associate and Working Partner.


Billing Attorney Dashboard

Billing attorneys can spot opportunities for growth by reviewing data such as: billing and collection realizations, collection budget and actual totals, billing and accounts receivable trends, unbilled dollars total and aging trends, top new clients and top aged accounts receivable.

  • Track the billing rate realization for the matters you are responsible for billing.


  • View the collection budget and realization rate for the matters where you are the billing attorney.


  • Monitor the total posted accounts receivable (A/R) for their billing matters and at-risk A/R trends.


  • See how much work on matters has not been billed to clients with an aging comparison.


  • Track monthly and yearly billing trends.


  • View top new clients by billable time hours.

CFO Dashboard

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their staff can instantly access critical performance metrics, including current revenue and net income, billable and non-billable hours, collection and billing realizations, a 13-week cash flow projection, workdays with missing hours, working capital, cash on hand, open payables, total income, total expenses, billing and accounts receivable trends, unbilled dollars total and aging trends, top new clients and top aged accounts receivable.

  • Identify the firm’s current revenue and net income amounts.


  • See the progress toward billable and non-billable hours goals.


  • View the collection and billing rate realization percentages.


  • Predict the projected weekly cash flow for the next 13 weeks through an AI-enabled algorithm.


  • Identify how many workdays have occurred due to unreleased time and which workdays have missing hours.


  • See current working capital, cash on hand, open accounts payable, total income, and total expenses amounts.


  • Monitor total posted accounts receivable, and at-risk A/R trends.


  • Track monthly and yearly billing trends.


  • View top new clients and aged A/R that have the most time billed to them.

Managing Partner Dashboard

Managing partners can view analytics to shape strategies and drive business outcomes, including current revenue and net income, collection and billing realizations, cash on hand trends, quarterly revenue trends, new clients and matters trends, year-to-date revenue concentration and revenue from new clients and matters, top producing attorneys and top new clients.

  • Track the firm’s progress toward revenue and net income goals.


  • View current collection and billing realization rates.


  • Monitor cash on hand and compare month-to-month cash on hand balances.


  • Compare quarterly and year-to-date revenue totals.


  • See new clients and matters for the past year and track the year-to-date revenue generated by these new clients and matters.


  • Measure the year-to-date revenue concentration among the firm’s clients.


  • View the top producing attorneys and new clients.

Supervising Associate Dashboard

Supervising associates can track the team’s progress and view trends for billable and non-billable hours, collection realizations for their time and the time from other team members who work on their supervising matters, their supervised billing trend, top supervised attorneys and top supervised clients.

  • Track your team’s progress toward billable and non-billable hours goals on your supervising matters.


  • View your supervised collection realization and the collection realization for your team members.


  • Identify trends in the amount of dollars billed for supervising matters.


  • View top supervised attorneys and clients by billable hours.

Supervising Partner Dashboard

Supervising partners can drive greater client value and team performance by tracking metrics, such as billable and non-billable hours, collection realization, accounts receivable trends, number of supervisees working on their matters, top supervised attorneys and top supervised clients.

  • Track your team’s progress toward billable hours goals on your supervising matters.


  • View the billing and collection realization rates for your supervising matters.


  • Monitor total posted accounts receivable (A/R) on your supervising matters and corresponding at risk A/R trends.


  • See the number of team members who worked on your supervising matters each month over the past year.


  • View top supervised attorneys and clients by billable hours.

Working Associate Dashboard

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their staff can instantly access critical performance metrics, including current revenue and net income, billable and non-billable hours, collection and billing realizations, a 13-week cash flow projection, workdays with missing hours, working capital, cash on hand, open payables, total income, total expenses, billing and accounts receivable trends, unbilled dollars total and aging trends, top new clients and top aged accounts receivable.

  • Track your progress toward billable and non-billable hours goals.


  • Identify if you have any workdays that they did not release time for.


  • See the number of training and continuing legal education (CLE) hours you have completed


  • View top clients and matters by billable hours.

Working Partner Dashboard

Working partners can see trends and data specific to their matters including: their billable hours, collection budget and totals, collection and billing realizations, accounts receivable trend, quarterly unbilled hours trend, missing time entries, completed training and CLE hours, top clients, and top aged accounts receivable.

  • Track your progress toward billable hour and collection goals.


  • View your billing and collection realization rates.


  • Monitor their total posted accounts receivable (A/R) balance and at-risk A/R trends over the past year.


  • See the number of hours you have worked without an invoice being sent to a client.


  • Identify if you have any workdays that you did not release time for.


  • See the number of hours completed for training and continuing legal education (CLE).


  • View top clients and top aged A/R with the highest unpaid balances.

Download the Brochure

SurePoint View provides role-specific dashboards that contain powerful analytics and actionable insights into the performance drivers critical to a law firm’s success.


Learn more about View and the questions to ask about your firm's financial data in the SurePoint View Brochure.

SurePoint View